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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Cheese Cake
succulent lover
47 verfasser

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Mo 24 Sep 2018, 04:16

Hallo zusammen,

Das ist meine eigene Hybride, die jetzt zum ersten Mal blüht ...

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Liebe Grüße,

Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  Ada Mo 24 Sep 2018, 23:47

Hallo Lothar,
sehr schöne Blütenbilder! Very Happy

Und hallo Tom,
Deine Hybride ist wunderschön, tolle Farbenkombination mit dem blau und weiß. Wink
Welche Farbe haben die Blüten?

Auf meinem sonnigsten Tisch im Gewächshaus könnt Ihr gut sehen, dass die Kakteen langsam aber sicher zurückgedrängt werden durch Aloe & Co.:

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In diesem Jahr haben die Aloen sehr spät, nämlich erst jetzt, angefangen zu blühen. Wahrscheinlich war es ihnen zu heiß in den Sommermonaten.
Hier zwei Stiele mit Knospen:

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Diego aka White Lightning

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Donnie aka Bright Star

Liebe Grüße,


Anzahl der Beiträge : 1505
Lieblings-Gattungen : Aloe, Gasteria, Mesembs, Opuntiadae, Lobivia & Co.

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Di 25 Sep 2018, 00:25

Danke Ada. Hier ist das Blumen Foto.
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und ein paar andere ...  Samen machen. Ich überkreuze diese miteinander. Ich frage mich, was wird daraus resultieren? Etwas Interessantes hoffe ich!
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Liebe Grüße,

Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Do 27 Sep 2018, 05:21


Was denkst du darüber?
Eine meiner eigenen Hybriden ...

Very Happy

Hergestellt aus Aloe Marmalade von Kelly Griffin X Aloe Dragon von Karen Zimmerman.
Ich nenne es 'Marmalade Dragon'

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  M.Ramone Do 27 Sep 2018, 17:09

Marvelous, Tom!

I'm really diggin' the icy colour, pretty unique.

I'd name it 'Ice Dragon'. 'Marmelade Dragon' lacks of creativity grinsen2 Wink

Sown in June '17 Shocked . May I ask you which components you're using for your subtrate? Some of my hybrids degenerated this year.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 924
Lieblings-Gattungen : Afrikaner

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Do 27 Sep 2018, 18:30

Thank you. Yes, your proposed name sounds much better. Very Happy  This was by far the best of the seedling bunch, with others quite different, but one other (the reverse cross: Dragon X Marmalade, rather than Marmalade X Dragon) also quite worthy as well, but not quite the same as this one. This one caught all the "right" genes combining to make a very interesting and attractive plant. It is amazing how some crosses yield seedlings that are similar to each other, and yet some other crosses can yield seedlings that are starkly different.

Regarding my substrate, it is nothing special. I use standard 'Cactus Mix' available locally in large bags for a reasonable price. It does contain pumice, and does drain well.  I never lose plants to rot due to my watering regimen, which is completely dependent on the weather (warmth in particular). If the weather is warm enough, they can take and probably prefer watering as frequent as every other day. The main determinant for watering is that the soil is allowed to dry out quickly before the next watering. If unsure, I can quickly judge by lifting the pot a very short distance and feeling the weight. If the weather is so cool that the soil mix will not dry out in a reasonable period of time (a few days at most), then I simply do not water. These plants can handle being dry for a long period of time if the weather is cool. But, wet soil that does not dry out in cool weather can definitely cause root rot, and if no intervention, the loss of the plant. A plant that gets too dry for a period of time is certainly much preferable to a plant that is lost due to rot.  
Perhaps too it would be useful to mention that non-glazed terra cotta pots are preferable in conditions (cooler temperatures) where soil does not dry quickly enough, as this type of pot would help the soil dry faster. Plastic pots, and glazed terra cotta pots do not allow evaporation through the pot itself, so would tend to keep soil wet longer, and therefor would not be optimal for use in cooler weather.  
Hopefully, this information is useful for you.

Best Regards,

Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  M.Ramone Do 27 Sep 2018, 22:15

spinesandrosettes schrieb:It is amazing how some crosses yield seedlings that are similar to each other, and yet some other crosses can yield seedlings that are starkly different.

This is why I started crossing plants this year. Some days ago I harvested my first seed pots of Aloe 'Silver Ridge' x Gasteria armstrongii. Today it was Aloe 'Lizard Lips' x Gasteria armstrongii. But I also crossed Aloe hybrids among themselves.  I think I will sow them this winter. I am very, very excited. Too bad I don't have A. 'Dragon'. I'd try the same to get that colour. Next week I'll get Lavendar Star from Ada. I hope it'll flower next year. Could be a good alternative.

Back to my degenerating plants. Thank you for your advice! I really appreciate that.

After I recognized that some of my plants curled their leaves, Ada gave me the advice to have a closer look on the roots and to repot them if they'd look degenerated. So I did, and the affected plants don't have much roots; they lost some of them. I'm pretty sure I didn't overwater them. The subtrate drained good and dried fast despite the loam I used. The root system wasn't soft or slimy. It seemed the plants were starving. Could a wrong ph-value (?) caused the troubles? Do you know anything about that? It's a pity I didn't measured the value. But if you could tell me something about the right value range I could take care of it in the future.

I nearly forgot to say I am using non-glazed terra cotta (as you mentioned for evaporation of moisture) and tiny (6x6cm - 8x8cm) plastic pots that dry out very fast. But I only use plastic because I ran out of terra cotta pots for this year. In Germany we have a service that picks up our bulky waste regularly. So people can put their waste on the pavement. You'd wonder how many people here see terra cotta pots as trash. Thankfully to my advantage Wink


Anzahl der Beiträge : 924
Lieblings-Gattungen : Afrikaner

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Do 27 Sep 2018, 23:07

Good luck with your crosses and seeds - sounds interesting. Congratulations on your success with intergeneric crosses, as those most likely will be quite original. The fun is seeing what surprises come out of it all. The hard part is the waiting for 1-2 years before the seedlings really show their developing characteristics.

With your additional commentary, it sounds like rather than too wet (rot), your plants might rather have been too dry. If a plant is too dry for too long, it is possible too for the roots to dry up. Resumed watering should resolve that issue. If the roots are not present, the use of rooting hormone (I use Dip N Grow to root young plants that have no roots) should be beneficial. When I see leaves curling from the edges to the center, that is a sign that the plants are not getting enough water. Still, I follow the basic rule that the substrate dries out from one watering to the next. Not necessarily bone dry, just no longer "wet". It is constantly wet conditions that can breed fungal issues that may then destroy roots - so as long as that condition is avoided, there should be no problem. Regarding not watering enough, I like to see plump, flat leaves. If they are abnormally thin, wrinkled, or curling up from the edges to the center - those are clues that the plant needs more frequent watering.

pH is not an issue I concern myself with. I know my water is neutral (7.0), and I assume my soil is correct enough for the majority of succulents since it is store bought cactus mix. I doubt this (pH) is a source of trouble for you.

Glad to help!

Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  M.Ramone Fr 28 Sep 2018, 11:09

Thank you, Tom! The symptoms you mentioned fit. The curled leaves are also very thin. I thought when Aloe dries out, it will lose (suck out) its leaves starting from the bottom to the top. But I will water more frequently next year. And if they won't recover I'll give rooting hormones a try.

One last question, please. Do you burrow the seeds or do you put them on top of the substrate? I've sown A. rauhii this year and I put a very thin layer of coarse sand over the seeds. But I'm unsure about that. I got only four plants out of ten. On the other hand the germination rate of my cacti was between 90 and 100%. A. rauhii was sown under same conditions (closed plastic boxes, etc.).

Anzahl der Beiträge : 924
Lieblings-Gattungen : Afrikaner

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Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare - Seite 17 Empty Re: Aloe-Hybriden und -Kultivare

Beitrag  spinesandrosettes Fr 28 Sep 2018, 16:19

You're welcome, Marcus.

I sow on top of the seedling mix and cover the seeds lightly. What you are doing sounds fine. Yes, germination rates will vary in my experience for aloe seeds. 40% is not bad within a single batch of seeds. It can be much better, or even much worse...   Wink

Best Regards,

Anzahl der Beiträge : 159
Lieblings-Gattungen : Agave , Aloe , Echeveria , Dyckia , Sansevieria

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